Workshop for grade 10 students
A math workshop with a strong emphasis on problem-solving strategies and to prepare students for upcoming examinations; was organised for grade 10 students, Mr. B.K.JAYASIMHA Read More
Sri Sarada Math, Nandidurga Road, Bangalore organised National Youth Day Celebration on January 25, 2025. 50 girl students had participated. Miss Gowri Priya and Miss Anaghaa M Harithsa of grade 9 .. Seshadripuram High School, Yelahanka New Town, organized a session on Road Safety awareness as part of Road Safety Week, among the students of Scouts and Guides, Cubs and Bulbuls, Seva Dal and Bunn.. On January 11, 2024, Saturday a Social Science workshop was conducted for Grade 10 students. It was designed to improve the performance of students in the annual examinations. The programme also ai.. It gives us enormous delight to inform you that Seshadripuram High School, Yelahanka New town, Bengaluru has received No.3 rank in Karnataka and Bengaluru and No 19 rank in India regarding excellen.. Education away from the classroom environment is both productive and rejuvenating, this was evident when the children from Seshadripuram Pre Primary School, Yelahanka visited the Jawahar Bal Bhavan.. Dussehra is a vibrant festival that exhibits grandeur and is celebrated across India in different forms, be it the Durga Puja or the Navratri celebrations or the Doll display. Keeping the festive s..National Youth Day at Sri Sarada ..
Road Safety Awareness
National Youth Day
Social Science Workshop for Grade..
India School Merit Awards 2024-25
Visit to Jawahar Bal Bhavan
Dussehra Doll Festival